Sunday, June 1, 2008

Crazy Shortcut Quilt Book Publicity

Oh happy news! While at Quilt Market in Portland
Sarah and I did a demo in our publishers' booth (Krause Publications) for about an hour or so. When I had checked in earlier I had noticed that a quilt from our book (Sweet Sixteen Quilt) was on the cover of the new Krause Catalog. I was thrilled and walked around showing everyone! Hehehehe. Anyway, I must have made quite an impression on one of my favorite folks at Krause (Laura Miller in Marketing) because today I received another catalog in the mail from Laura. Here's what her note said

"M - thought you would really enjoy this catalog too. It's last summer's consumer quilt's your quilt too."
She is just too sweet for words! The cover of the catalog (on the left) has Sarah's Moda quilt "Bright Idea" on it and the back cover of the catalog has our book and my ugly hands!


Laura said...

Thanks for the mention. You also are too sweet for words!

Deb Hardman said...

Very cool! Congrats!